Meeting Name: Criminal Justice Authority Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/10/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: BOCC Meeting Room 204
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: CJA Handout.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2025-0894 11. MinutesDiscussion and possible actions to approve meeting minutes of February 10, 2025.approvePass Action details
2025-0927 12. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action on the appointment of Paul Timmons as Interim Jail Administrator and Interim Chief Executive Officer, salary to be commensurate with the position, effective February 10, 2025.approvePass Action details
2025-0928 13. Departmental ItemsReceive, accept and discuss report by Alan Smith, Chief of Investigations and/or those persons designated by him, regarding operation of and improvements for the Oklahoma County Detention Center, which may include personnel recruitment initiatives, Oklahoma State Health Department matters, medical procedures and matters, budgetary and financial matters, plans for improvement of operation of the Oklahoma County Detention Center, and with possible actions as desired by the Authority.receivePass Action details
2025-0930 14. Departmental ItemsReceive, accept, and discuss report by Chief Financial Officer Chris Sherman regarding income statements, financial reports, and current budget for Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority, with possible actions as desired by the Authority.receivePass Action details
2025-0931 15. Departmental ItemsApproval of invoices and claims list for March 10, 2025, with discussion and actions as desired by the Authority. List available for inspection in the office of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority Secretary, Room 201, Oklahoma County Office Building.approvePass Action details
2025-0932 16. Departmental ItemsApproval of a Consulting Services Agreement with John G. Peters, PhD regarding Tavion Murphy v Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority and Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County, USDC, WD Okla., No. CIV-2022-525-SLP.   Action details
2025-0933 17. Departmental ItemsDiscussion, approval or other action regarding a Corrections Partner Memorandum of Understanding between OCCJA and the National Urban League.approvePass Action details
2025-0934 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action to approve, reject, or modify the engagement agreement with Hinkle & Company for OCCJA’s for the period ending June 30, 2024.approvePass Action details
2025-0935 19. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action to approve, reject or modify the engagement agreement with Crawford & Associates for the period ending June 30, 2024.approvePass Action details
2025-0936 110. Departmental ItemsReport regarding meetings of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority Citizens Advisory Board, with discussion and possible acceptance and other actions as desired by the Authority.receivePass Action details
2025-0937 111. Departmental ItemsAnnouncement: Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority in 2025 is on Monday, April 14, or as otherwise scheduled or held in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act.   Action details
2025-0938 112. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307 (B) (4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action or settlement by contract with the City of Oklahoma City, and its Police Department, because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by the Chairman.   Action details
2025-0940 113. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307 (B) (4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Estate of Stephens v OCCJA, CIV-2023-114-PRW because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0942 114. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307 (B) (4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Altstatt v OCCJA, et al., CIV-2022-811-D because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0944 115. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307 (B) (4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Hawley v OCCJA et al., CIV-2025-151-SLP because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0946 116. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307 (B) (4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Avelar v OCCJA, CIV-2024-909-D because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0948 117. Executive SessionTo enter executive session pursuant to 25 OS 2021 §307(b)(4) to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Tavion Murphy v Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority and Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County, USDC, WD Okla., No. CIV-2022-525-SLP, because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0950 118. Executive SessionTo enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 (B) (4) to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation, claim or action, including retention of OSS Law Enforcement Advisors to provide expert witness services in Graham v OCCJA USDC WD Okla, CIV-2023-276-HE, and where on advice of its attorney, the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0952 119. Executive SessionTo enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 (B) (4) to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation, claim or action, including retention of OSS Law Enforcement Advisors to provide expert witness services in Estate of Yalartal v OCCJA USDC WD Okla, CIV-2023-1181-HE, and where on advice of its attorney, the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0939 120. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action or settlement by contract with the City of Oklahoma City, and its Police Department, because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by the Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0941 121. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Estate of Stephens v OCCJA, CIV-2023-114-PRW because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.approvePass Action details
2025-0943 122. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Altstatt v OCCJA, et al., CIV-2022-811-D because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0945 123. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Hawley v OCCJA et al., CIV-2025-151-SLP because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0947 124. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Avelar v OCCJA, CIV-2024-909-D because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0949 125. Executive SessionAction regarding to consider a pending investigation, claim or action regarding Tavion Murphy v Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority and Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County, USDC, WD Okla., No.CIV-2022-525-SLP, because the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.approvePass Action details
2025-0951 126. Executive SessionAction regarding to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation, claim or action, including retention of OSS Law Enforcement Advisors to provide expert witness services in Graham v OCCJA USDC WD Okla, CIV-2023-276-HE, and where on advice of its attorney, the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Request Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details
2025-0953 127. Executive SessionAction regarding to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation, claim or action, including retention of OSS Law Enforcement Advisors to provide expert witness services in Estate of Yalartal v OCCJA USDC WD Okla, CIV-2023-1181-HE, and where on advice of its attorney, the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. Requested by Rod Heggy, ADA.   Action details