Meeting Name: Court Services Advisory Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: BOE Meeting Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2025-0986 11. MinutesDiscussion and possible action regarding the minutes of December 5, 2024.approvePass Action details
2025-0987 12. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for Calendar Year 2025.approvePass Action details
2025-0988 13. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding a statistical report from TEEM (The Education, Employment Ministries). Requested by the Board.receivePass Action details
2025-0989 14. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the transfer of the operation and management of the duties provided by Court Services Office from County to TEEM (The Education, Employment Ministries), including updates on numbers transferred.Requested by Brigitte Biffle, Public Defender.strikePass Action details
2025-0990 15. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the potential implementation of evidence-based risk assessment. Requested by Brigitte Biffle, Public Defender.approvePass Action details
2025-0991 16. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the Mandatory Exclusionary Crimes List, and to consider any amendments to expand eligibility for pretrial release as recommended by the Crime and Justice Institute. Requested by Brigitte Biffle, Public Defender.   Action details