Meeting Name: Policy & Governance Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: BOCC Meeting Room 204
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: #3 JJC.pdf, #8 Benefits EOI.pdf, #8 Emergency Management EOI.pdf, #8 Engineering EOI.pdf, #8 Facilities EOI.pdf, #8 Free Fair EOI.pdf, #8 HR EOI.pdf, #8 MIS EOI.pdf, #8 Planning EOI.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2025-0925 11. MinutesDiscussion and possible action regarding approval of the minutes of February 11, 2025.approvePass Action details
2025-0548 12. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding selection of the February and March 2025 BOCC Employees of the Month. This item is requested by Karen Kint, Director of HR/Safety.approvePass Action details
2025-0787 13. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding ARPA Project 10090; Juvenile Bureau, Violence Intervention Program. Requested by Hannah Whipp, Juvenile Bureau Director.receivePass Action details
2025-0787 13. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding ARPA Project 10090; Juvenile Bureau, Violence Intervention Program. Requested by Hannah Whipp, Juvenile Bureau Director.approvePass Action details
2025-0824 14. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding policies, procedures, and status reports related to planning, oversight, and administration of Oklahoma County’s Grants Programs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.   Action details
2025-0902 15. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding policies, processes, procedures, status report and recruitment related to the BOCC Financial Support Specialist. Requested by Karen Kint, Director of Human Resources/Safety.   Action details
2025-0903 16. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the recruitment for a Grants Writer Specialist position. Requested by Karen Kint, Director of Human Resources/Safety.   Action details
2025-0904 17. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the County Free Fair Manual and financial procedures for the Oklahoma County Free Fair Association. Requested by Karen Kint, Director of Human Resources/Safety.   Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.receivePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0957 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the review of departmental FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Jessica Clayton, Chairman.approvePass Action details
2025-0970 19. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding policies, processes, procedures, and status report related to planning, oversight, and administration of Oklahoma County's ARPA funding allocation. Requested Jessica Clayton, Chair of Policy and Governance.   Action details