| 1 | 1. | | Departmental Items | Discussion and possible action regarding a presentation of the Oklahoma UCC Central Filing Office Model Administrative Rules 2024 Edition. Item requested by Autumn Jefferis, UCC/Real Estate Supervisor, County Clerk. | | |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Departmental Items | Discussion and possible action regarding receiving written and public comment on the proposed Oklahoma UCC Central Filing Office Administrative Rules 2024. Item requested by Autumn Jefferis, UCC/Real Estate Supervisor, County Clerk. | | |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Departmental Items | Discussion and possible action regarding acceptance of amendments and/or proposed additions and deletions to be compiled with the Oklahoma UCC Central Filing Office Administrative Rules 2024 Edition which will be adopted and become part of the annual report filed with the Governor and Legislature by January 1, 2025 as required by Title 12A O.S. (2001) 1-9-527. Item requested by Autumn Jefferis, UCC/Real Estate Supervisor, County Clerk. | | |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | | Departmental Items | Discussion and possible action regarding the date and time of the 2025 Regular Scheduled meeting for the Oklahoma Uniform Commercial Code Filing Office. Requested by Clerks of the Board, Office Maressa Treat, County Clerk per Oklahoma State Statutes 2001 Title 25 ยง 311. | | |
Action details