Meeting Name: Budget Evaluation Team Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: BOE Meeting Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2025-0788 11. MinutesDiscussion and possible action regarding the minutes of February 11, 2025.approvePass Action details
2025-0801 12. Recurring ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding any items currently on the BET Watch List for fiscal year 2024-25. Requested by the Board.   Action details
2025-0802 13. Recurring ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding a schedule for departmental meetings to ask questions about each departments FY 2025-26 Estimate of Needs. Requested by Cody Compton, Chair of the Budget Evaluation Team.   Action details
2025-0803 14. Recurring ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding policies, processes, and procedures related to FY 2025-26 budget reviews and recommendations. Requested by Cody Compton, Chair of the Budget Evaluation Team.   Action details
2025-0795 15. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the Court Services funds, MOUs and guidance related to completing the estimate of needs. Funds 12603010 GPS Fee Fund, 12603020 Indigent Fund, 10130100 Court Services General Fund. Requested by Miranda Fryer, BOCC Financial Support Specialist.   Action details
2025-0806 16. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action regarding the roles of Chairman and members of the Budget Evaluation Team. Requested by Christie Tretheway Miller, Vice-Chairman of the Budget Evaluation Team.approvePass Action details
2025-0808 17. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action on recommendations to define as a matter of policy the term Flat Budget. Requested by Jason Nelson, County Clerk's Office.   Action details
2025-0809 18. Departmental ItemsDiscussion and possible action on recommendations to update or amend the annual Estimate of Needs forms, including the type and nature of the data requested and included on the forms, the data sources and calculations used to populate the forms, and any other changes determined to make the EON process and data more accurate, understandable, usable, and simple. Requested by Jason Nelson, County Clerk's Office.   Action details